Forehead endoscopic lift

How is the forehead endoscopic lift? Is it painful?.


Forehead endoscopic lift as known as brow endoscopic lift is a cosmetic and optimal method in today’s world. The classical brow lift in the past had many disadvantages. With disadvantages of “brow lift” the customer will be left a scar at the brow line. Hence, for those who do not want a scar at the brow line, forehead endoscopic lift can solve this disadvantage, because the scar will be hidden in the hairline.


The procedure of endoscopic forehead lift can help to lift the brow line to a higher position and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, restoring a firmer and more youthful appearance for the overall face.


>>> To sum up, the aging process will cause wrinkles in the region of the forehead, mid brow, make the brow sagging and droop. Therefore, forehead endoscopic lift or brow lift will diminish the appearance of the wrinkles and lift the brow line in a higher position when you are young, the result usually makes you look younger for more than 10 years.



The process of aging changes the shape of the brow.


Before learning how to perform the procedure forehead endoscopic forehead lift. It is important that you understand the structure of the face and how the process of aging changes the region of the brow. The face is composed of layers of skin, muscle and fat. With time, these factors such as aging and environmental factors like sun damage caused the skin support network of collagen and  elastin in the dermis to break down.


As a result, the skin loses its structure and elasticity and gradually sagging. Furthermore, layers of muscle weaken and fat deposits which normally act as a cushion between skin and underlying bone are depleted. Due to the fat being depleted, the lines and wrinkles in the brow region become increasingly apparent. Therefore, the eyebrows will sag causing drooping eyelids.


Endoscopic brow lift will reduce wrinkles and lift the brow into position as well when you are younger, the result will often make you look ten years younger.


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How is endoscopic brow lift or endoscopic forehead lift performed?.


Although doctors can use various forehead lift techniques to adjust the brow area, the most common method is an endoscopic forehead lift or brow lift. This forehead lift technique is performed by making a small incision along the hairline in the forehead area.


Although doctors can use various forehead lift techniques to adjust the brow area, the most common method is an endoscopic forehead lift or brow lift. This forehead lift technique is performed by making a small incision along the hairline in the forehead area.


The procedure of endoscopic brow lift or endoscopic forehead lift.


The procedure of endoscopic brow lift or endoscopic forehead lift  may last approximately one hour. The area of skin will be cleansed and drawn an incision. This procedure may be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, you are in a relaxed status during the procedure.


The incisions used during an endoscopic forehead lift.


Unlike an open forehead lift, the incisions in an endoscopic forehead lift are very small. Generally, the doctor will only make three incisions in the scalp area. Since the incisions are so small, scars will not be visible as they are hidden within the hairline.


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Forehead Lift (Frontal muscle lift).


First, the doctor inserts a small clamp into the incision in the scalp. The doctor will carefully loosen and separate the tissues from the middle and sides of the frontal bone. Through the incision at the temples, the doctor will lift the tissues in the temple area. As a result, the tissues around the brows will be elevated, and the wrinkles in the forehead will be smoothed out.


Eliminating wrinkles between the eyebrows.


An endoscopic forehead lift can address various muscles in the upper face, such as the frontal muscle and procerus muscles. The doctor will dissect and adjust these muscles without affecting their function. As a result, the wrinkles between the eyebrows will be lost.


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Brow Lift with Endotine.


The doctor will elevate the brows to a higher position by a biological material into the frontal bone. The small teeth of the endotine will hold the brows in the desired higher position. This method results in a smoother forehead and a more youthful brow position.


Suturing in Endoscopic Forehead or Brow Lift Surgery.


The doctor will use non-absorbable sutures to close the incisions.


Postoperative Care after Endoscopic Forehead or Brow Lift Surgery.


You can use cold compresses or pain medication to reduce swelling and discomfort. It is recommended to sleep with your head elevated during the recovery period, as this helps reduce bruising and swelling. Sutures are typically removed after seven days.


Endoscopic Brow Lift or Forehead Lift.


You will notice results soon after surgery, with only a few small scars that will be hidden by your hair. A forehead lift reduces the appearance of forehead wrinkles, eliminates frown lines, and elevates the brow position to correct drooping eyelids, giving you a much more youthful look.


The result also depends on the natural disposition of each person.

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