Where is the best place to get natural and safe endoscopic breast augmentation?.
Endoscopic breast augmentation was first applied by Dr. Chiem Quoc Thai in Vietnam in 2007. Thanks to this method, breast augmentation surgery is much gentler and safer.
Kieu Loan comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Kieu Loan comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Miss Huong Giang had breast augmentation under the gland in Thailand, so the bag is exposed and looks unnatural.
Miss Huong Giang had her breasts repaired under the muscle at Viet My Cosmetic Hospital.
Miss Huong Giang fixed her breasts with teardrop implants.
What is endoscopic breast augmentation?.
Breast augmentation is a surgical method that directly affects and increases the size of breasts by implants, with the support of endoscopic instruments.
These are camera-mounted devices capable of magnifying the cavity of the chest helping surgeons to see inside easily so that the dissection and implantation process take place quickly and safely.
The structure of the chest or the anatomy of the chest.
The breast composes many different tissue types such as: glandular, fatty, fibrous, and all of the above tissues located on the pectoralis major muscle of the chest wall. The breasts are composed of mammary glands and milk ducts, which are covered by fatty tissue that gives the breast its shape and softness. The elasticity of your skin also affects the shape of your breast.
There are many factors such as age and pregnancy affecting the elasticity of your skin leading to change the shape and appearance of your breasts.
Breast implants will help the breasts increase in size, making the breasts too small, the breasts sagging, the sagging breasts will be bigger, the breasts are no longer saggy and rounder than before. Breast implants not only help breasts to restore previous disadvantages, but also create a more beautiful breast.
Comparing two breast implant lines Mentor and Motiva, which one is better?
What are endoscopic breast augmentation methods?.
1. The transaxillary subglandular endoscopic breast augmentation.
- Incision design-centered in axillary apex, contained within hair-bearing skin. Through a short 2.5cm incision, the surgeons will insert the endoscopic device, so the chest structures will be magnified many times on the screen, helping surgeons perform operation accurately, in order to avoid damage to nerves, blood vessels and mammary gland tissue.
The doctor only needs to gently separate the glandular layer and lift it up from the muscle layer, to form a cavity that holds breast implant without having to cut through the mammary gland tissue like open approach via areolar incision.
The advantages of this method are.
There is no cutting through the mammary gland tissue, so it does not affect milk glands and breastfeeding later.
There is no cutting through the areola so it does not cause loss of areola sensation and badly scarring the areola like previous open breast augmentation surgery.
The disadvantages of this method is placing the implants under the gland without the muscle layer, therefore the implant will be exposed later.
2. The transaxillary submuscular endoscopic breast augmentation.
After making an incision along the natural crease in the armpit, the surgeon will insert an endoscopic device through a small 2.5 cm incision. The doctor will gently separate the pectoral muscle and lift it away from the rib cage to create a pocket for the breast implant, without the need to cut through the pectoral muscle or breast gland tissue, as is done in the open surgery method through the nipple.
The breast implants placed under the muscle gives many advantages because it limits the phenomenon of exposing the breast implants.
Since there is no incision through the pectoral muscle, this technique is less invasive, resulting in less bleeding, reduced swelling and pain, and fewer complications. Additionally, as it does not cut through mammary gland tissue, it does not affect milk production or breastfeeding in the future. Furthermore, because there is no incision through the nipple, it prevents loss of sensation in the nipple and avoids unsightly scarring, which can occur with traditional open surgery breast augmentation. Therefore, this method is considered to have significant advantages for submuscular breast implant placement today.
What is the process of endoscopic breast augmentation surgery?.
a. How long does breast augmentation surgery take?.
Breast augmentation surgery takes an average of 45 minutes.
b. Is endoscopic breast augmentation painful?.
The patient will be under general anesthesia, so there is minimal pain, depending on the individual's physical condition and host factor.
c. Does endoscopic breast augmentation leave scars?.
The incision in the armpit is created in the natural crease, so it will not leave a scar.
d. Breast implant placement.
As you know, the implants can be placed in two pockets known as the supramuscular (subglandular) or the submuscular method. In which, the breast implant placed under the muscle gives many advantages because it limits the phenomenon of exposing the breast implants.
- Close the incision.
The incision will be closed by sutures and stitches will be removed after seven days. These scars from the incision will fade in a couple of weeks. Unlike other open breast augmentation surgeries, most breasts only swell and return to normal within a few days, however there is a little case where it takes several weeks.
- Chest Bandage.
After endoscopic breast augmentation, the surgeon will instruct you to use a compression garment which helps reduce swelling and bleeding, as well as provide comfort and support as you heal. You might only need to wear this garment for a few weeks or less, depending on the body of each person.
- Result after Surgery.
Most people can return to light work 1 to 2 days after surgery. However, it is important that you avoid heavy work or heavy lifting for about three or four weeks. Because it can affect the healing or displacement of the breast implants.
The results of endoscopic breast augmentation are usually long-lasting, your breasts will retain the shape and appearance you desire. And if you have any questions at Viet My Hospital about diet and breast care after surgery, Dr. Thai will examine and advise you completely free of charge.
Type of breast implants.
Which type of breast implants or endoscopic breast implants are best for breast augmentation.
The most popular American breast implants are mentor, motiva, nano chip, teardrop, sebbin, etc.
Gel-based breast implants are FDA approved in 2006 for natural beauty endoscopic breast augmentation, gel-based breast implants are made of a 3-layer silicone shell and are filled with silicone material (gel implants). There is no evidence that gel breast implants increase the risk of breast cancer, or autoimmune disease.
Breast implants will differ from: shape, roughness, and protrusion. Breast implants can be round or teardrop shaped, and can have a smooth or rough surface. The protrusion of the breast implants can be medium, high or low.
Last but not least, the size of breast implants is determined by their volume. Choosing the right implant for natural-looking breast augmentation depends on your body shape, your current breast size, and your personal preferences. A skilled surgeon's experience will help guide you in selecting the implant that is best suited and well-proportioned for your body.
Things to know when breast augmentation.
1. Before breast augmentation.
Please consider the following criteria.
- Find a reputable cosmetic hospital licensed to operate according to the standards of the Ministry of Health.
- The team of surgeons and anesthesiologists with many years of experience, high professional qualifications and full practice licenses.
- The hospital is fully equipped with modern machinery and technology, transferred from leading countries in the cosmetic industry.
- Breast implants must have a warranty stamp, origin and license to use according to the standards of the Ministry of Health. There must be a warranty policy with clear terms and prices appropriate to the service.
2. After breast augmentation.
- Drink enough 2 liters of water per day.
- Do not use stimulants, alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, cigarettes.
- Wear a specialized bra as directed by your doctor.
- Build and follow a suitable diet under the guidance of a doctor for a faster recovery process.
- Refrain from engaging in intense physical activities such as running or mountain climbing for at least one month after surgery to allow the implants to settle properly.
- Monitor your body’s condition after breast augmentation and consult your doctor if you notice anything unusual or feel unwell.
Video of Endoscopic breast augmentation with incision in the armpit | Doctor Chiem Quoc Thai - Viet My Cosmetic Hospital.
3D Video of Endoscopic Breast Augmentation with Incision in Armpit | Doctor Chiem Quoc Thai - Viet My Cosmetic Hospital.
Images of some beauties who had breast augmentation at Viet My Cosmetic Hospital.
Miss Ky Duyen before and after endoscopic breast augmentation, comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Miss Phuong Khanh before and after endoscopic breast augmentation, comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Top 5 Miss Vietnam Tuyet Nguyen before and after breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Miss Le Hoang Phuong (Miss Grand) before and after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Supermodel Nguyen Minh Hoang Kim after having endoscopic breast augmentation surgery
Transgender beauty queen Tran Dai had endoscopic breast augmentation.
Miss Grand Vietnam 2024 1st runner-up Hanh Nguyen after endoscopic breast augmentation.
Model Tue Nhu had endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Top 5 Miss Vietnam Tuyet Nguyen breast augmentation, comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Miss Phuong Khanh after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Runner-up Kieu Loan after breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Miss Kim Ngoc after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Singer Thai Tuyet Tram after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Jewelry Queen My Duyen after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Runner-up Khanh Phuong after breast augmentation surgery and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Singer LiLy Chen after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Miss My Huyen after breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Runner-up Bao Nhu after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Hot girl Lily Luta is gorgeous after breast augmentation surgery and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Actress, Singer Angela Phuong Trinh after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Actress, Yaya Truong Nhi endoscopic breast augmentation, comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Actress Vu Ngoc Anh after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Miss Bikini Kim Yen after comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Runner-up Linh Chi after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Jewelry Queen Cao Thuy Trang after endoscopic breast augmentation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery.
Beautiful and natural breast augmentation plastic surgery.
Beautiful breasts make your body a sexy curve.
In addition, the size and shape of the breasts make a woman more attractive and confident. Like other parts of the body, breasts are also changed due to many factors such as: genetics, aging, pregnancy and lactation, weight gain and hormonal changes.
These factors make your previously beautiful breasts sag, saggy, wrinkled and smaller.
Why do Asian people often choose to have breast augmentation surgery ?.
Most Asian Women are born with small breasts.
These days, ladies with small breasts, drooping breasts, or wrinkled breasts can recover the same amount of breast tissue thanks to endoscopic breast augmentation techniques that are safe and natural.
Gives you bigger, more naturally beautiful and fuller breasts, more beautiful bust than before, helping you to be sexier, younger, more attractive and more confident from the outside to the inside.
* The result also depends on the natural disposition of each person.