Liposonix Ultrasonic Abdominal Liposuction

Liposonix Ultrasonic Abdominal Liposuction

Liposonix Abdominal Liposuction is the most advanced method of reducing belly fat today. Ultrasonic Abdominal Liposuction is a modern method to gently remove excess fatty tissue from your body and is a safe method of abdominal liposuction to make your body contours slimmer, slimmer and more attractive.


Normally, excess fat can accumulate in different areas of the body such as abdomen, buttocks, thighs, etc. With this excess fat accumulation will make you become less confident.


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Why is it called Liposonix ultrasonic liposuction?. And what is the safe method of liposuction?.


What makes Liposonix ultrasonic liposuction different ?.


The method of liposuction (fat reduction) with focused ultrasound Liposonix is considered the new and most advanced method today. Patients can still resume daily activities immediately after 24 hours of treatment.


1. Classic liposuction method.


Using cannula suction tubes to destroy fat cells mechanically, causing bleeding and swelling, pain, and therefore a long recovery time.




- There is no need to invest in modern machinery, so there is no investment cost for the hospital.




- The classic liposuction method does not help to regenerate collagen, so the skin where liposuction will be sagging will be sagged, the surgery will be painful, and you will have to rest a lot.


2. Liposonix ultrasonic fat reduction method.


Will cause fat cells to be destroyed, liquefied.




liposonix ultrasonic


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In case the customer has excess skin, many doctors will perform liposuction combined with a tummy tuck.










- Helps patients have less pain and swelling, short recovery time, and focused ultrasound waves will help regenerate collagen to make the skin firm. So in the past, with areas of medium excess skin, it was necessary to perform a combination of excess skin cutting. But now with focused ultrasound technology, the average excess skin will shrink after 2 weeks.




- To invest in American Liposonix machine must have a large cost of 5 billion, so in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City only has a very few hospitals that can invest.


After ultrasonic liposuction surgery.


- For the ultrasonic liposuction method, you have to wear a specialized shirt for 2 weeks to help the excess skin tighten and shrink.


- After 1 week, you can do jogging, after 2 weeks you can do other movements such as abdominal exercises, yoga...


- Who should lose fat by surgery. Abdominal liposuction is indicated for people with little to moderate excess fat and skin.


Two solutions to consider when choosing ultrasound fat reduction (liposuction).

Liposonix uses intense focused ultrasound energy to liquefy fat cells. This ultrasonic energy can penetrate through the layers of the skin and into the fat cells without damaging the surrounding cells. There are 2 solutions you need to consider when choosing.


If you do non-surgical fat reduction, after the Liposonix method.


TExcess fat cells will be liquefied and will gradually be eliminated in the urine in 8 weeks.


The advantage of this procedure is that it is non-surgical liposuction.


- After taking Liposonix 1 hour, you can go home right away, no downtime.


- However, the downside is that you have to abstain from eating starch and fatty meat for 8 weeks so that the liquefied fat is gradually eliminated from the body. If you do not abstain from eating starch and fatty meat, the liquefied fat will not be eliminated as completely as desired.


- Fat loss results will not be as expected.


If you do ultrasonic liposuction, after using ultrasonic waves make the fat liquefy.


The doctor will make small holes and suck out all the liquefied fat.


Advantages of this solution.


Is that all excess fat will be removed immediately, the effect is immediate.


- You do not need to fast for 8 weeks like the solution above. At the same time, if you want to use your excess fat to transfer to the chest, buttocks, face, .. then the doctor will help you easily and the fat will be transferred to the chest, buttocks, face,… And when the fat is transferred in butt, face will last forever.


Small downside.


That you have to undergo invasive surgery with small incisions.


Procedure ultrasound abdominal liposuction.


The patient will be screened for all preoperative tests.


Patients with ultrasound liposuction must be performed in the operating room.



Liposonix liposuction machine working mechanism.


Non-sensitive method in ultrasonic liposuction.


Anesthesia or anesthetize.


During ultrasonic liposuction, the doctor will use an ultrasonic transducer to liquefy the excess fat, then make a small 2mm hole in the skin and the doctor will directly suck the liquefied fat with ultrasound.

Liposuction method to shape 6 pack how.


To create a 6-pack, the doctor will advise the client. Before performing liposuction and depending on the choice of the customer, the doctor will do the following.


If the client is an exerciser when liposuction, the doctor will leave the fat in the 6-pack muscle areas that the doctor has shown before, after liposuction, the client's abdomen will be exposed. 6 pack.


Advantages of this method.


As a patient who does not need to exercise but still has 6 packs. But the downside is that because these 6 packs are open, so if you look far away, you'll see 6 packs but if you look up close, you'll find not 6 packs like exercise.


If the client is a fitness object. During liposuction, the doctor will suck all the fat close to the skin to reveal the abdominal muscles. After two weeks of liposuction, customers can exercise when the muscle area will be clearly exposed under the skin into a 6-pack.


Advantages of this method.


As a customer, you will have perfect 6-pack muscles like doing gymnastics.


Small downside.


As a customer, you must combine exercise to reveal your six pack muscles.


Liposuction creates 6 pack muscles and how people exercise to shape 6 pack different.


In order to practice GYM to get 6 pack muscles, one must follow a strict diet and train hard to lose all the fat that is close to the skin, then the muscles in the area can be revealed.


The 6-pack liposuction method will help customers lose the entire layer of fat close to the skin without having to diet and exercise harshly as above, customers only need to combine moderate exercise to appear body 6 packs.


Classic abdominal liposuction.


During liposuction surgery with a metal suction tube alone, the liposuction tube is inserted directly into the fatty tissue. The doctor will insert the abdominal liposuction tube forward and backward to break up the fatty tissue and suck it out.


In this method, only fat cells are destroyed by mechanical liposuction, so it causes more bleeding and pain than ultrasound liposuction.


Note: This method can be applied to all types of fat reduction such as: calf liposuction, belly fat, eye fat, leg fat and thigh liposuction,...


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Postoperative care after ultrasound abdominal liposuction.


After ultrasound abdominal liposuction, you will wear a special compression bandage for 1-2 weeks.


You can return to normal work one day and heavy work 1 week after liposuction.


Thigh liposuction, arm liposuction, armpit liposuction, double chin liposuction, back liposuction, are performed exactly like abdominal liposuction but simpler.


When you have thigh fat, arm fat, armpit fat, double chin fat, back fat often comes with a lot of belly fat, so when liposuction is mostly combined with abdominal liposuction. If liposuction takes place in 1 hour, liposuction of thighs, arms, liposuction of armpits, liposuction of double chin, liposuction of back only takes 15 minutes and you only need to wear a specialized bandage for 1 week.


The result also depends on the natural disposition of each person.

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