Liposonix Ultrasonic Abdominal Liposuction

Liposonix Ultrasonic Abdominal Liposuction

Liposonix abdominal liposuction is the most advanced method for reducing belly fat. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is a modern technique designed to gently remove excess fat tissue from your body, providing a safe way to contour and, making it more attractive and slender.


Excess fat can typically accumulate in various areas of the body, such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, etc. This buildup of fat can make you feel less confident.


Top 4 most advanced modern liposuction methods in the world today.



Compare the pros and cons of today's modern liposuction methods.


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What is abdominal liposuction? Current liposuction methods.


Abdominal liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at removing excess fat in the abdomen and waist to create an attractive contour. The process includes liquefying the excess fat in the abdominal and waist area, then removing the liquefied fat. There are several specific methods for fat liquefaction.


1. Classic Method.


A cannula is inserted into the fat area through a small skin incision, and the doctor moves the cannula back and forth to mechanically break down the fat. The liquefied fat is then suctioned out through the same incision. Disadvantages of this method: Since fat is broken down mechanically, it can cause significant swelling and pain, leading to a longer recovery time. 


Additionally, due to the use of a cannula, it is crucial to have an experienced surgeon; otherwise, there is a risk of damaging internal organs or creating uneven fat removal, resulting in bumps and lumps.



Classic liposuction 3D video.


2. Fat liquefaction using a laser-emitting cannula.


Due to the limitations of laser technology, which only destroys superficial fat cells, the laser fat reduction method is only effective for small, shallow fat deposits, such as in areas like the chin, arms, and underarms. It is not effective for areas with larger amounts of fat, such as the abdomen. Additionally, the heat from the laser can cause damage to surrounding tissues, leading to burns or necrosis, which is why laser fat liquefaction is not commonly used.




liposonix ultrasonic


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In case the customer has excess skin, many doctors will perform liposuction combined with a tummy tuck.








3. Fat liquefaction using a water-jet cannula.


In this method, a water-jet cannula is inserted through a small incision in the skin, and high-pressure water jets are used to break down fat cells (using devices like Body Jet). Once the fat is liquefied, it is suctioned out through the same incision. Disadvantages of this method, the fat is destroyed using water jets, it can cause more swelling and pain compared to Liposonix. If the surgeon does not perform the fat removal evenly, it can result in uneven contours or lumps.


4. Fat liquefaction using focused ultrasound waves (Liposonix).


Due to the disadvantages of the previous methods, the Liposonix technology was developed to liquefy fat using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) probes. This method addresses the shortcomings of other techniques and is currently the only fat liquefaction method that doesn't require a cannula. Instead, the doctor uses a probe that emits high-intensity focused ultrasound pulses through the skin. These ultrasound waves precisely target and destroy fat cells located 10 mm beneath the skin's surface, while preserving the shallow layer of fat directly under the skin to prevent uneven contours. This method overcomes the issues associated with cannula-based techniques and does not damage the skin, nerves, blood vessels, or surrounding tissues.


At the skin’s surface, focused ultrasound waves stimulate collagen production, tightening the skin for cases with mild to moderate excess skin. This is considered the latest method today, helping to liquefy fat in a gentle, safe way, with minimal swelling or pain and achieving the desired results. Once the fat is liquefied by the ultrasound waves, it’s removed through a small 1 mm incision using a tiny cannula, located in an area hidden by underwear, making the scar almost invisible. 




Since the Liposonix machine is costly 200 thousand USD, due to the fact that few facilities invest in it, and at the same time, the cost of the Liposonix fat reduction service will be higher than other methods.


Why do many places not invest in the Liposonix machine, however but still advertise liposuction using focused ultrasound technology?.


Currently, fat reduction using American focused ultrasound technology (Liposonix) is much more effective than other technologies. Therefore, many customers have been falsely advertised by untrustworthy places that advertised the use of American ultrasonic fat reduction technology (Liposonix) but in fact used machines from Korea and China, so it was completely ineffective. After that, customers had to spend money again to go to Viet My Cosmetic Hospital to perform liposuction service Liposonix. 


Lipo Ultrasound technology is translated as ultrasound fat removal technology, so when you undergo Lipo Ultrasound (ultrasound fat removal technology), you need to clearly ask what brand of machine is being used and from which country it originates.


- Currently, American Lipo Ultrasound technology has only a machine line called Liposonix and it costs 200 thousand USD. 


- Liposonix uses high-intensity ultrasound waves to penetrate the skin and break down fat, so it is considered the most advanced technology in modern day.


As for the Lipo Ultrasound technology from Korea and China, such as Cavi-Lipo, Liposunix ultrasound, Lipo Ultrasound Smart, and Lipo Ultrasound Cavitation, these are copied versions of the Liposonix machine from the U.S. Therefore, they are priced around 30 thousand USD and tend to be less effective.


Therefore, before undergoing ultrasound fat removal, you need to clearly understand what type of ultrasound fat reduction machine is being used and its country of origin. You should also see for yourself to ensure that the facility truly has invested in a Liposonix machine rather than just Cavi-Lipo, Lipo ultrasound smart, Lipo ultrasound cavitation, or other ultrasound devices from Korea, China, etc.


Two solutions when choosing the ultrasonic fat reduction (liposuction) method. 


Liposonix uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to liquefy fat cells. This ultrasound energy penetrates the skin and into the fat cells without damaging surrounding cells. There are two options for you to choose from.


1. Non-invasive method.


After liquefying fat with Liposonix, the excess fat tissue will be liquefied and gradually removed through urine within 8 weeks. 


The advantages of this procedure is Non-invasive (Non-surgical liposuction).


The downside is that you have to follow a diet for 8 weeks to gradually eliminate the liquefied fat. If you don't stick to the diet, the liquefied fat won't be fully expelled as desired, and the results of fat loss won't meet expectations.


2. Minimal-invasive method.


After liquefying fat with Liposonix, the surgeon will make a small incision in the lower area (where the underwear hides) and suck out all the liquefied fat. 


Advantages of this solution. 


All excess fat will be removed immediately, with immediate effect. You do not need to follow a diet for 8 weeks like the above solution. At the same time, if you want to use your excess fat to transfer to the chest, buttocks, face, etc. It will last forever.


Minimal disadvantages.


This surgery is a minimally invasive method with a small incision and does not leave a scar.


After ultrasound liposuction surgery. 


- For ultrasound liposuction, you have to wear a special garment for 2 weeks to help the excess skin tighten and shrink. 


- After a week, you can do exercise like jogging, after 2 weeks you can do other exercises such as abdominal exercise or yoga. 




Fat reduction process (liposuction) for Western clients using Liposonix focused ultrasound waves.



Liposonix liposuction machine working mechanism.


The procedure of ultrasound liposuction.


- The patient will be checked for all preoperative tests.


- The ultrasonic liposuction procedure must be performed in the operating room.


Anesthesia method in ultrasonic liposuction.


- Local anesthesia and General anesthesia. 


- During ultrasonic liposuction, the surgeon will use an ultrasonic probe to liquefy excess fat areas, then make a small 2 mm incision in the skin and the doctor will directly suction out the excess fat that has been liquefied by ultrasound.


How is the six-pack sculpting liposuction method performed?.


To create a 6-pack the surgeon will advise the client. Before performing liposuction and depending on the client’s choice, the surgeon will perform the following:



If the client is someone who is not keen on exercising, during the liposuction procedure, the doctor will leave a certain amount of fat in the six-pack muscle areas that were marked beforehand. After the liposuction, the client's abdomen will clearly show six-pack muscles.


Advantages of this method.


Clients will achieve a perfect six-pack, similar to the results of GYM workouts.


Minor disadvantage:


Clients need to combine the procedure with exercise to make the six-pack muscles more prominent.


How is six-pack sculpting liposuction different from gym workout to achieve a six-pack?.


To achieve a six-pack through GYM workouts, people must follow a strict diet and undergo intense training to eliminate all the fat under the skin, allowing the muscles to become visible.


The six-pack sculpting liposuction method helps clients lose all the fat under the skin without the need for a strict diet or intense training. Clients only need to combine the procedure with moderate exercise to reveal a six-pack body.


Post-operative care after ultrasonic liposuction.


- After ultrasound liposuction, you will wear a specialized compression for one or two weeks.


- You can return to normal work after a day and heavy work after a week of liposuction. 


- Thigh liposuction, arm liposuction, armpit liposuction, double chin liposuction, back liposuction, are performed exactly like abdominal liposuction but simpler.


vết mổ hút mỡ bụng cổ điển


When you have a lot of thigh fat, arm fat, armpit fat, double chin fat, back fat, it often comes with a lot of belly fat, so when liposuction is mostly combined with abdominal liposuction. If abdominal liposuction takes an hour, thigh liposuction, arm liposuction, double chin liposuction, back liposuction each area only takes 15 minutes and you only need to wear a specialized bandage for that area for a week.


The result also depends on the natural disposition of each person.

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