Cosmetic hair transplant using AI robot

Viet My cosmetic hospital is the first hospital of Ho Chi Minh city to invest in Artas Technology Robotic Hair Transplant using AI  advances of America worth 21 billion VND.



The old people have a saying that: “Teeth and head hair are the most important when it comes to appearance”, it says that the importance and aesthetic of these two parts of the body. In reality, sparse hair follicles, thinning hair and hair loss appear at all ages, which makes many people feel a lack of confidence in communication as well as in all activities. Hair transplantation has become a necessity to bring confidence and improve the quality of life.





Customers before/after robotic hair transplant.




Customers before/after robotic hair transplant.


With Artas Technology Robotic Hair Transplant which is considered a breakthrough in the field of hair transplant, with exceptional efficiency, making hair transplant gentle, painless, non-invasive, no skin incision, short hair transplant time, no need for recovery and effective, the survival rate of transplanted hair can be up to 97%.


Robotic hair transplantation using Artas Technology is quick, painless, safe, and effective transplant survival rates can reach 97%.


1. The robot takes hair follicles by analyzing and extract the hair follicles, so no need to cut the skin, no pain or leave a scar where the hair follicle was extracted.


2. Robotic harvesting of hair follicles guarantees high precision.


Robot Artas applied to identify the best follicles for transplantation. Robot Artas analyzes the characteristics of follicles such as angle, density, distribution and direction to harvest follicles in the best way, accurately and consistently, always maintaining speed and precision. Thus, Robot Artas is extremely fast, able to get more than 2000 best follicles per hour. However, it always guarantees professional precision.


3. Fast speed.


To harvest follicles by using robots, it assists in reducing the intervention in the transplantation by 50%. Besides, reduce the fatigue of the surgeon team and better focus on the transplant.


4. Less time, more comfortable mind.


Short hair transplant time helps patients feel more secure and comfortable.


5. Great rate of success.


máy cấy tóc robot


ARTAS Robot at Viet My Cosmetic Hospital

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