Laparoscopic breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery method that directly affects and increases the size of the bust by placing various types of breast implants.
I. What is endoscopic breast augmentation ?.
Laparoscopic breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery method that directly affects and increases the size of the bust by placing various types of breast implants with the support of a specialized endoscopic equipment system. These are camera-mounted devices capable of magnifying images of the structure of the chest cavity, making it easier for the doctor to see inside so that the dissection and placement of the breast implants take place quickly and safely.
For those who want to have a hot, round bust, breast augmentation surgery is the choice to meet those needs. And laparoscopic breast augmentation is one of the techniques to support breast augmentation surgery to help minimize the risk of invasiveness and the risk of injury during surgery.
Laparoscopic breast augmentation differs from other traditional breast augmentation mainly through the effect of the magnifying camera system. With the development of this technology, doctors have partly relieved the burden, the rate of surgery for beautiful and proportionate breasts will be higher than traditional surgery.
II. Modern methods of breast augmentation today.
Currently, there are many different methods of breast augmentation, but there is the most popular method today.
1. Breast augmentation with autologous fat.
Breast augmentation with autologous fat. That means using excess fat from other parts of your body (abdomen, buttocks or thighs…) to implant in the chest area. The method of breast augmentation with autologous fat has been applied in breast aesthetics for over 30 years, but it is still not commonly used by cosmetic doctors and women around the world. Because, in the past, when there was no stem cell technology, when breast augmentation fat sucked out was extracted, selected fat tissue of good quality was injected into the chest, but the amount of fat survived after pumping into the chest. just under 30%.
Today, thanks to stem cell technology, the fat after the cup will be supplemented with stem cells, so the amount of live fat after being injected into the chest can be up to 60%, and the amount of living fat will survive so Breast augmentation with autologous fat combined with stem cell technology has shown a more positive progress.
2. Gel bag breast augmentation.
Although less well known than other methods, gel breast augmentation is still an option worth considering. In this method, the doctor will make a small incision on the body, then use the endoscope to check and locate the breast implant before inserting the gel bag into the patient's body. After the treatment, the patient will have a natural, lifelike breast, minimizing the risk of ripples and folds.
Today, breast implant manufacturers produce new types of high-safety gel breast implants, all with lifetime, leak-free warranties. But according to the recent recommendations of the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) gel breast implants when placed in the body should be changed to a new one after 10-15 years. Because after 10-15 years, if you keep the old bag, the rate of capsular shrinkage will be 6%-8%. Therefore, if possible, you should change the bag after 10-15 years to avoid capsular shrinkage.
3. Nano Chip Breast Augmentation.
Nano Chip Breast Augmentationis the most advanced breast augmentation solution available today. This breast bag is designed to be extremely sturdy, defy any impact, has extremely good elasticity.
Inside, the Nano breast implant is filled with a gel with high adhesion. In the worst case scenario, if the implant ruptures, it will not leak out of the breast tissue.
It can be said that Nano is a smart breast pocket. For the first time in the world, there is a type of implant using a chip containing parameters of the date of execution, the name of the customer, the breast augmentation doctor, etc., helping to ensure the interests of the customer.
III. What you need to know about breast augmentation.
1. Select the location of breast augmentation surgery.
Select the location of breast augmentation surgery.
- There are a few things to consider before considering breast augmentation surgery:
- Find hospitals that are licensed to operate according to the standards of the Ministry of Health.
- A team of doctors and anesthesiologists with many years of experience, highly qualified and fully licensed to practice.
- The center is fully equipped with modern machinery and technology, transferred from leading countries in the beauty industry.
- Breast augmentation bags must have a warranty stamp, origin and license to use according to the standards of the Ministry of Health. In it, there must be a warranty policy with clear terms and a price suitable for the service.
2. After breast augmentation.
- Drink 2 liters of water every day.
- Do not use stimulants, alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, tobacco...
- Wear a specialized bra as directed by the treating doctor.
- Build a suitable diet under the guidance of a doctor to make the recovery process faster.
- Do not perform vigorous sports activities such as jogging, climbing, etc. for at least one month after surgery to stabilize the breast implants.
- Monitor your body's symptoms after breast augmentation and see a doctor if you feel really unwell.