Breast augmentation surgery where is good, breast augmentation where is safe, conventional breast augmentation and endoscopic breast augmentation, which is better ?.
These are the statistics of most of the women's concerns, compiled by the top plastic surgery consultants in Viet Nam.

So how to get accurate information, so that women "choose to send gold" to put their trust in the doctor's hands. Viet My Hospital would like to give some comments on the question of where breast augmentation is beautiful and safe for women to refer to.
Is endoscopic breast augmentation method safe and what are the advantages ?.
Laparoscopic breast augmentation method is safe and different from other breast surgeries, in our experience most major hospitals in Vietnam with breast augmentation specialties use this optimal method.
Laparoscopic breast augmentation is different from conventional methods in that doctors only need to make a small incision in the armpit or breast fold... and still be able to completely place the breast implants accurately thanks to the laparoscopic device. This method leaves no scars at all or, if any, very faint.
More specifically, endoscopic breast augmentation will be extremely safe, similar to breast augmentation with autologous fat, it will be difficult to leave complications after surgery like other conventional breast augmentation methods.
Breast augmentation where beautiful and safe.
The endoscopic breast augmentation method is optimal, however, choosing a breast augmentation salon where it is beautiful and safe or choosing a highly skilled specialist with a special aesthetic eye is always there. Mindfulness is another concern of many women.
At Viet My Hospital, we have taken ideas from our customers from the experience of choosing a reputable address to perform breast augmentation surgery, to convey their belief in beauty aesthetics to improve beauty.
Breast augmentation where beautiful and safe is where the hospital is licensed by the Ministry of Health to specialize in comprehensive plastic surgery.
The first factor is the point for women to be able to determine where is a reputable breast augmentation address or where breast augmentation surgery is good and safe.
At Viet My Hospital, we have an area of more than 3000m2 and especially with a team of more than 100 highly skilled doctors and nurses who have practiced for many years, especially the hospital has been certified by the Ministry of Health as a plastic surgery hospital by the Ministry of Health. beauty salon, and meet the international standards of a hospital.
Breast augmentation where is beautiful naturally.
Surely this is the desire of many women and is the most important factor in breast augmentation plastic surgery. The experience of breast augmentation where beautiful and safe will be shared by many female friends, especially with close acquaintances, friends and colleagues who have done breast augmentation and they will certainly share beautiful breast augmentation addresses with you. . And since they have done it before, their information is valuable information and reference.
Next, please refer to more information sources and choose exactly where breast augmentation is beautiful and reputable to understand more information about whether breast augmentation is dangerous or what is breast augmentation without surgery? Pay attention to the image of breast augmentation, the more cosmetic centers or hospitals there are, the more customer images will be the place where you can completely trust the skills of the doctors.
Pictures of breast augmentation where beautiful and safe must be updated regularly, continuously with real images without photoshop editing. It is best to get pictures that include before and after breast augmentation surgery. Because through that, you will know after breast augmentation surgery is as your wish or not.
Breast augmentation experience or breast augmentation procedure method as well as the aesthetic eye of a specialist surgeon is also one of the factors for you to know where breast augmentation is beautiful and prestigious.

Where is breast augmentation surgery safe ?.
After you have been consulted by the doctors about aesthetics, ask more doctors about the safe breast augmentation surgery with autologous fat, or where the hospital allows you to visit medical equipment, technologies machines and materials used to perform breast augmentation surgery are available.
Course these factors have all been certified by the Ministry of Health, and large hospitals like our Viet My hospital, these factors all meet the standards of an international plastic surgery hospital, especially According to the standards of the United States and Korea, the two countries with the world's leading breast augmentation aesthetic.
Knowing the above factors is that you can know where breast augmentation is safe and reputable, you can be confident and put your trust in the cosmetic hospital in the skill of breast augmentation surgeons.
* The result also depends on the natural disposition of each person.