Breast augmentation with an areola incision

Breast augmentation with an areola incision

Learn about breast augmentation with an areola incision.


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Breast augmentation with an areola incision is performed by making a small incision about 2.5-3 cm long at the junction between the areola and the rest of the breast. The doctor will then use the technique to create an empty space and place the breast implant..


A woman's beautiful breasts give your body an attractive curve. In addition, the size and shape of the breasts make a woman more attractive and confident.


Breasts change due to many factors such as: genetics, aging, pregnancy and lactation, weight loss and hormonal changes. These factors make your beautiful breasts sag, flabby, wrinkled and smaller.


Anatomy of the chest.


Cấu tạo của bộ ngực


The chest composes many different types of tissues such as: mammary glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue, fibrous tissue and all of the tissue above on the pectoralis major muscle of the chest wall. The breasts are covered by fatty tissue that gives shape and softness to the breasts.


As you know certain factors as age and pregnancy can affect the elasticity of your skin which will lead to changes in the shape and appearance of your breasts. Breast augmentation is a procedure to enlarge or change the shape of the breasts.


The surgery will improve your body image and confidence. It also creates more beautiful breasts and enforces the satisfaction with the appearance of your breasts.


The process of breast augmentation surgery with areola incision.


The process of "breast augmentation surgery" takes an average of 1-2 hours depending on the doctor's experience. The areola incision is made along the areolar edge in inconspicuous area to mimimize visible scarring.


The most Asian women were born with small breasts. Today, thanks to breast augmentation procedure, it not only helps women with small, sagging, wrinkled breasts back to their beautiful as before, but also helps women to have larger, rounder breasts, and much more attractive, make you sexy, young, seductive and more confident. 


Inserting and placing the breast implant.


After the incision is made, a breast implant is inserted into a pocket either. Directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (a submammary / subglandular placement). Because breast implant is placed under the gland without tissue covering, it may become more visible.Under the pectoral muscle (a submuscular placement), a submuscular placement limit the exposure of breast implants.


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For breast implant placement over the pectoralis major (sub-glandular) in breast augmentation.


This technique is simple, painless and very easy to perform at the areola incision, but the disadvantage is the exposure of breast implants (touch or see the implants). After making, the doctor will make an incision and dissection entire skin and subcutaneous tissue, then continue to make an incision through the mammary gland.


If the breast implant is placed under the gland, the dissection will be cut up to the mammary gland tissue and form a pocket containing the implant. The length of the incision depends on the size of the breast implant and the surgeon's skill.


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For breast implant placement under the pectoralis major muscle (under the muscle): to limit the implant exposure phenomenon.


After making an incision in the areola, the doctor will continue to make an incision through the mammary gland, then cut through the large pectoral muscle to form a pocket. Since it cut through the pectoral muscle, it is very painful after the surgery.


Therefore, to place the chest under the muscle, doctors in the world usually perform the armpit incision so that there is no need to cut through the chest muscle, so there will be less pain after surgery.


Closing the incisions.


The areola incisions are closed with sutures and the sutures are removed within seven to ten days. The scars from the incisions will fade slowly over several months, but it can take up to a year for it to disappear completely.


Someone may have bad scar (keloids, concave scars...). As other surgeries, you experience swelling after the surgery and maybe lose the sensitivity of areola but it recover after 3 - 6 months. The most breasts will swell and return to normal within a few days, but in some cases it may take several weeks.


Bandage after breast implant surgery.


Surgeons will instruct you to wear a compression bandage after "breast augmentation surgery with an areola incision". This tight-fitting compression reduces swelling and prevents bleeding, as well as provide support and maintain the placement of the implants. You will likely have to wear this compression bandage for a few weeks.


Results after breast augmentation with an areola incision.


The most of you can return to light work about three to seven days after the surgery. However, it is important that you avoid heavy lifting for about three to four weeks. Because it can affect healing and cause displacement of the breast implants.


However, the results from breast augmentation are usually long-lasting, and your breasts will maintain the appearance you desire.


There are many types of breast implants in breast augmentation with areola incision.


The gel-based breast implants were approved by the FDA in 2006. These gel implants are made of a 3-layer silicone shell and are filled with silicone material. There is no evidence that gel implants increase the risk of breast cancer, or autoimmune disease.


Breast implants are differ from: shape, roughness, and projection. They are round or teardrop shape, and smooth or rough surface. Breast implants are available in different types of profiles such as low profile, medium profile, moderate profile and high profile. The higher the profile of your breast implant, the more it extends forward from your chest. Finally, breast implant size varies by volume.


Choosing the right breast implants depend on your body shape, your breast width, your preference. Surgeon’s goal is to make your breast look natural with a beautiful shape, so experience of doctor will help you to find the right type of breast implant.


The result also depends on the natural disposition of each person.

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